Buy Freedom Seeds
Buy Freedom Seeds
Freedom Seeds of the few seed banks not to make a big song and dance about their achievements, the team at Brighton based Freedom of Seeds instead prefer to let their quality feminized and autoflowering cannabis strain souvenirs do the talking. They work very closely with a selection of top quality seed breeders from across the globe but also have some really impressive new varieties under their own fair banner. From Chunky Skunk and Mighty Grape to Romberry and Hash Lover there’s something for every collector here.
Seeds are the lifeblood of agriculture and food production – they underpin farm resilience and security, support adaptation to climate change, and provide livelihoods for millions of small and medium-sized farmers. Yet farmers’ rights to seeds are under threat from global corporations that seek to control the global market. Managing seed diversity is essential for farming communities to protect their own food sovereignty and cultural heritage.
ips for Buying Cannabis Seeds: What to Look For and What to Avoid
This explains why the UK government’s decision to promote farmers’ rights to seeds internationally is so important. This can help us create a world where small and family-scale farms are able to produce, share, and exchange the seeds they need to maintain their productivity, adapt to climate change, and sustain healthy diets.