Choosing the Right PPE
Choosing the Right PPE is crucial to maintaining worker safety. However, there are many factors to consider when deciding what equipment to purchase. Factors such as climate, threat level, vehicles, comfort, sizing and industry all play into making an informed and responsible decision.
The first step in ensuring the correct ppe is chosen is to conduct a job/workplace hazard assessment. This allows managers to understand the hazards that their workers face and determine the type of protection needed. For example, if an employee is working in a medical setting where there are biological hazards, they may require surgical masks and gloves.
It is also important that employees feel comfortable wearing their PPE. A common reason for non-use of PPE is discomfort. This can be caused by a variety of things including size and sleeve length. Baggy clothing can get caught in machinery and passing vehicles, potentially with disastrous consequences. Sleeves that are too long can cause the skin to burn if exposed to chemicals. Lastly, tight shoes can lead to nerve entrapment and a painful condition known as Morton’s neuroma.
The Importance of Choosing the Right PPE for Health and Safety
It is also important to ensure that the PPE meets all required standards and regulations for your industry and workplace. Be wary of resellers who use inaccurate terms such as “ANSI certified” and “OSHA approved”. Make sure the equipment you purchase is CE or UKCA marked. It is also a good idea to use a supplier that is based in North America and can offer fast turnaround times on replacements or repairs.